dijous, 8 de novembre del 2012


Worksheet 2: Characters in the Film

Jesminder (jess) wants to be a profesional fotballer. Unfortunately, her parents have more traditional ideas about her future.

Juliette (Jules) also wants to be a footbaler. She plays for a women's footballer team, the Hunslow Harriers.

Jess' parents, Mr and Mrs Bhamra, immigrated to Britain before their children were born. they want their daughters to be proper Indian girls. They don't like Jess playing football

Worksheet 3: While you Watch


Exercise A: Put these events in in the correct order. 

1.Jess and Jules go shopping for football shoes.
2.Jules sees Jess playing football in the park, and asks her to join the Hunslow Harriers.
3.Pinky's boyfriend's relatives see Jess and Jules laughing and hugging, and think she is kissing a man.
4.Pinky has her engagement party.
5.Jess lies to her parents that she has a part-time job, so she can go out and play football.
6.Jess' mother sees her wearing shorts and playing football with Tony's friends, and tells her she's not allowed to play football. 

1.- 5
2.- 2
3.- 6 
4.- 1
5.- 4
6.- 3

Exercise B: Who said what? Match the statement with the person who said it.

1.-'I was married at your age.' Jess mother
2.-'If she's more interested in playing football than chasing boys, well quite frankly I'm over the moon about that.' Jule's father
3.-'Your mother's right. It's not nice. You must start behaving like a proper woman.' Jess' father.
4.- 'No boy's going to want to go out with a girl who's got bigger muscles than him.' Jule's mother

Exercise C: Think about the expectations that Jess' and Jules' families have of them. Make lists of the things that their families and society expects girls to do. Make one list for both girls, and another list for Jess.

Both Jess and Jules, they are expected to:
-To be feminine get married
-Be weaker than a boy
-Football is not for girls
-Do only girl's things
-Don't have bigger muscles than boys.
-Do not play sports. 
-Enjoy shopping
-Find a boyfriend

Jess, she is expected to:
-To be a housewife
-To have a husband
-To marry young
-To create a family

-To wear long clothes without showing her legs
-Get married and a good indian man 
-Cook well

-To find a boyfriend
-To wear make-up
-To be more feminine.


Exercise A: This section sterts with Pinky's wedding being cancelled, because her future in-laws think that Jess was kissing a ehite man at the bus-stop. Her parents thn forbid her from playng football. Put the following events in order.

1.- 6
2.- 7
3.- 3
4.- 1
5.- 4
6.- 8 
7.- 5
8.- 2

Exercise B: Rewrite these paragraphs so they are true. There are three mistakes in each paragraph.

1. Pinky blames her sister because her wedding is cancelled. She tells her parents thet Jess has continued playng football. They are very angry and tell her she can't continue to playng.

2. Jules like Joe. In Geremany, Joe and Jess almost kiss. Jules sees this and is upset and jelous. Jess visit Jules' house and they have an argument.

3. Pinky is very sad that her wedding is cancelled. She persuades Teetu, her boyfriend, to talk to his parents. Teetu's parents and the Bhamras arrange for the wedding to continue. Unfortunately, the wedding date is the same day as Jess' football mach.

Exercise C: Joe tries to encourage Jess not to give up. When Jess seys that her parents want to protect her by not letting fer play football, Joe asks her "Whose life are you living?" What does he mean?

Joe is asking Jess "Which life are you living: your life or your parents life?"

Describing pictures:

This photo shows a conversation, they don't look happy, but the people of the back are playing with the water and having fun. In the background I can see the football stadium with the girls team, and in the foreground Joe and Jules talking about something, I don't know. Joe were a t-shirt and Jules a sport top.
Maybe, Joe is angry with Jules.

This photo shows an a traditional indian weeding. In the background I can see all the guests and in the foreground there are Jess sister, Pinky, and her husband Teetu. All the people are smiling and dancing, especially the bride and the groom. I like this photo because there are a lot of colors, and everybody is happy. I think is a very good photo!

dimarts, 16 d’octubre del 2012

French Kiss


 Kate is living in Canada with her fiancé, Charlie, who is a doctor. They want to get marry, buy a house and have a family together. Charlie must go to Paris, but Kate is afraid to fly.
One day Charlie calls Kate from Paris for to tell her that he met a girl and he was in love with her.
Kate was so sad and she decide to go to Paris to get him back.
Wen she was in the plane, she met an strange French man called Luc Teyssier, he had a little vine plant and a necklace. Kate slept and Luc put in to her bag the plant and the necklace. Then he offers Kate, ride in to Paris. At the terminal, Luc is spotted by Inspector Jean-Paul Cardon who insist on giving Luc a ride during which he searches his bag. Meanwhile, Kate tooke a taxi to go to Hotel George V. While waiting on the sofa, she met a thief named Bob. When she finally saw Charlie and Juliet kissing in the elevator, Kate faints, and Bob steals her bag. Luc arrives, steals a car, and together they track down Bob and the bag.
Luc and Kate arrive at Bob's house and he returned Kate's money but not her passport, not her clothes... 
Charlie and Juliette have to get marriage and they went to Cannes to met Juliette parent before the wedding and Kate follows ther with Luc. On the train Luc tries to catch the bag and recover his necklace but Kate is sleeping and she has the bag on her head. Luc tries to catch the necklace but Kate is dreaming with Charlie and she kissed Luc. Luc starts to be in love with Kate. In the morning Kate ate cheese and she was intolerant lactose so, they get off the train at Luc's hometown of La Ravelle. They stay at Luc's family home, surrounded by a beautiful vineyard where Kate learns about Luc's past.
At Cannes, the inspector approaches Kate and urges her to convince Luc to return the necklace. Luc who is planning to sell the necklace at Cartier, agrees to Kate's plan to sell the necklace. 
To make Charlie jealous, Luc pretends to be Kate's lover when they meet Charlie and Juliette on the beach. At dinner Charlie apologizes to Kate and later tries to seduce her in her room, but she is in love with Luc. The next morning Kate returns the necklace to the inspector and Cartier gives her a check. After giving the check to Luc, Kate leaves for the airport pretending to meet Charlie. Luc rushes to the airport, boards the airplane and confesses that he's in love whith her and wants her to stay with him. Luc and Kate embrace each other in their beautiful new vineyard.